Remove License Verification for Android Apps# Playstore Market#play store official#amin7t4

When you download paid apps from websites other than Google Play/Play store, for free, you may get error while installing these apps. Or sometimes after installing it says "License not found. Please download it form Google Play" You will think that it is due to error in the apk file and download it from other site. The error is not due to the apk file.

 Its due to the license verification. What is license verification? let me explain. Almost all paid apps will have license. You get license for these paid if you download it from Google Play. Which means if you have paid, the license will be in Google Play. So while installing paid apps it will check or this license in Google Play. If there is no license the app will not installed. Some apps will install, but when tried to open it shows an error "License not found. Please download it form Google Play". Here is a simple remedy to fix license verification of Android apps.


1. Download and Install Lucky Patcher
2. Launch Lucky Patcher and open Toolbox from the bottom bar.
3. A Pop up should appear and in that select Install Modded Goggle Play Store.
4. Select the latest version of Modded Google play store available.
5. After downloading and installing the Modded Play store, phone will reboot.
6. After reboot, just try running the application which was giving License Verification error.
7. Error would be gone and all the applications would run like a charm.

This method has been tested and found to be running on 90-95% of applications.

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